DECENT/CR/21-22/2 Date: 16-08-2021
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that as per Govt. order dated 09/08/2021 board classes can visit their school for practical activities. Therefore as the First Terminal Examination is approaching very near i.e. in October, so we decided to interface the students of classes- 10th,11th,12th for the same on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Timing: 9:00am to 1:40pm.
Therefore students should come in white school uniform with the books & notebook of respective subjects to get it checked and signed by the teachers for internal assessment. To assign and discuss the project and practical work of the first terminal examination.
Class 11th standard should also come to school with a consent slip signed by their parents for their streams to be opted in class 11th. They should bring their photo-copy of Aadhar cards student, mother, father and fill up the Registration form along with subject opted in class 11th
This is to remind you that all the students should physically enroll themselves for the class by depositing the fee for the current year before the 20th August 2021 positively failing which mean parents/child is not interested for the current year at our school, so his/her name may be struck-off from the rolls without further notice. Some of the students unable to make their class 10th dues, so they are also advised to deposit their dues so that they may be able to collect the result in time without any inconvenience.
Hoping for your prompt response and due attention for the matter so that further studies may be done smoothly and efficiently to secure good result at CBSE Examination 2022.
Stay Safe & Eat Healthy
Wear Mask, Wash Hands, Maintain Social Distancing to Win over the Covid-19